Dissertation/Thesis Defense


Normative Instruction PRPG No. 001/2022, which deals with the defenses of dissertations and theses from May/2022 - LINK


Alternative Format - CCPG Information No. 002/2021 - LINK

We emphasize that, for the presentation of a dissertation or thesis in an alternative format, all guidelines defined in Article 2 of CCPG Information No. 002/2021 must be followed, especially the one that specifies that, in the case of a document that has already been published, the student must attach the publisher's authorization for its inclusion in the dissertation/thesis. In these cases, the Secretary will only schedule the defenses after verifying that this document is attached to the work. Please note that, even if the publication is in "open access" journals, it will be necessary to attach a document proving this condition, such as a copy of the journal's editorial, website page, etc. We would like to alert you to the fact that failure to comply with this requirement will result in the refusal of defense approval by the PRPG.

These are minimum requirements for obtaining the title of Master or PhD:

  • Master's, compliance with 17 credits in disciplines, 03 in mandatory and 14 in electives;
  • Doctorate, compliance with 10 credits in disciplines, 03 in mandatory and 07 in electives;
  • Proof of suitability in English;
  • Approval in Qualification Exam;
  • Approval in public defense of Dissertation or Thesis.


The defense request is made online by FEAGRI's Intranet System  HERE IN THIS LINK, according to the TUTORIAL available in this HERE IN THIS LINK.

The documents required to upload to the system are:

1) school history;

2) dissertation/thesis doll;

3) authorizations of the ethics committee, if relevant.


Composition of Board:

MASTER - 03 titular members, including the advisor, and 02 substitute members. Among the titular and alternates, at least 01 of each must be external to the Postgraduate Program of FEAGRI.

DOCTORATE - 05 titular members, including the advisor, and 03 substitute members. Among the titular members, excluding the advisor, 02 members of the Examining Committee should be external to Unicamp. In the case of alternate members, at least 01 must be external to UNICAMP.


Participation of the board by video conferencing:

For master's defenses - 01 member 

For doctorate defenses - 02 members

The defense request will be analyzed in an CI meeting and later in a CPG meeting (see calendar HERE IN THIS LINK). After approval, the student and advisor will be notified via email to carry out the procedures in SIGA/DAC.

Deadlines for forwarding documents for insertion on the agenda of the CPG Meeting - LINK

The Defense shall take place within a minimum of 30 and maximum of 45 days from the date of approval in the CPG.



It is the sole responsibility of the student/advisor to make the invitation and obtain confirmation of participation of the members of the board. The Secretariat will only send a formal invitation, as well as will deal with other bureaucratic procedures after confirmation by the student/advisor.

There can be no family relationship between all those involved in the defense (evaluators, advisors and students), as should be observed any other situations contrary to the principle of impersonality.


Cost aid: 

If necessary, external members can apply for cost aid for participation in the Examination Boards (01 for master's degree and 02 for doctorate), via the Daily Payment Request Form to be sent in the email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

On the defenses of dissertations and theses involving knowledge that can be protected by intellectual property rights:

Resolution GR 90-2020 of 08.31.2020 

When the defenses of dissertations and theses involve knowledge that can be protected by intellectual property rights, the defense will take place in closed session, upon request of the advisor and the candidate and formalized by a confidentiality commitment term, to be signed by all members of the examining board and by any guests. This term may be digitally signed via the Document Management System of Unicamp - SIGAD-UNICAMP, pursuant to Resolution GR No. 54/2017. 

The publication of the paper in the Library should take place after one year of defense. 

In cases where the session is held in a non-face-to-face manner, through communication technologies, the date of the defense shall be disclosed in advance, for formalization of the terms of confidentiality commitment referred to in § 1 of Art. 1 of this Resolution and the access link of the defense session will be provided only to participants who sign the term of commitment and confidentiality in advance.

Guidance for formatting your dissertation or thesis - (link

In this LINK, we also provide the guidance manual for the preparation of dissertations and theses and the Research Plan, kindly prepared by Professor Dr. Mauro José Andrade Tereso.


In this LINK, you will find the step-by-step instructions for submitting your defense request in the DAC's SIGA system.