Suspension, Cancellation and Completion


The Postgraduate Program student may, upon request, with the agreement of the advisor and at the discretion of the Postgraduate Commission, perform 02 (two) Enrollment Suspension, consecutive or not, not computed for the purpose of the maximum time of completion of the Course.

The remaining time of completion, at the time of each request, must be greater than or equal to the duration of the requested license.

During the term of the suspension of enrollment, the student cannot take a Postgraduate course at UNICAMP, take a qualification examination or defend a dissertation or thesis.

The student must perform the online leave of absence procedure, through the e-DAC, portal, within the deadlines established in the School Calendar. The request will be subject to the agreement of the Advisor and the approval of the Postgraduate Coordinator of the course.

For more information visit


How do I reinstatement?

There is no "reinstatement". The semester leave of absence is "valid" until the next enrollment period, when the student must enroll in subjects on the DAC website or request a new enrollment suspension (only in cases where he has not requested two consecutive periods of leaving).

In the case of Postgraduate, from the 2nd semester of the course the student is automatically enrolled in the Thesis Subject (Master's Thesis/Doctorate Thesis, and may have a different code in each faculty or institute). Thus, if you do not have subjects to attend in the return of the absence, it is not necessary to apply for registration



The Cancellation of Enrollment is the total loss of the student's link with Unicamp, in the forms provided for onGeneral Rule of Postgraduate.

The student must perform the online registration cancellation procedure through the e-DAC portal. This request can be made at any time of the course.

After requesting the Cancellation of Enrollment, the student may be readmitted to the Program only through a new selection process.

For more information visit



According to Unicamp's General Rule for Postgraduate Courses:

Article 15 - At the request of the advisor and after analysis of the Postgraduate Commission (CPG), the student who had the registration canceled for a period of completion exceeded may, exceptionally, enroll only once, exclusively for the realization of the dissertation or thesis defense, which must be made within six months after their reconnection,  provided that it cumulatively meets the following requirements:


I - has completed all credits;

II - has passed a foreign language(s) examination;

III - has passed a Qualification Examination;

IV - has completed the writing of the dissertation or thesis, with a statement from the advisor that he has completed all the requirements and is in a position of defense.


Sole Paragraph - Enrollment in subjects during the regular academic period to which this entry refers is prohibited.

The advisor must request the reconnection/re-entry through a letter to the CPG, containing the date of defense and justifying that this condition is due to Article 15 of the UNICAMP's General Rule for Postgraduate Courses.