
We inform that the accounts rendering of the scholarship holders must be made directly with the funding agency.

FEAGRI only assigns the scholarships.

Below is the guidelines extracted from a guidance email from CNPq forwarded to one of our students, but if they have questions, we ask that they contact the service channel of the respective funding agency.


Here is the email from CNPq, sent on 03/18/2022:


Dear Sir/Madame,


We also inform that it is mandatory to send through the Plataforma Carlos Chagas the technical report/accountability of the activities developed during the scholarship period. We remind you that there is no specific model, so your justification should also be presented if you have not titled it.


The accountability comprises the final technical report, as well as the bench rate (if any), according to the provisions of the regulation of the modality of your scholarship, which can be accessed through the address:


Your Lordship will also be able to view the pending report at the address on the Plataforma Integrada Carlos Chagas/notices and pending issues.

If in doubt, Your Lordship you can contact the Call Center Service - SECAT: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

To get out of this default condition before CNPq, in this way it is necessary to fill out and send the Final Technical Report available on the Plataforma Carlos Chagas.


We inform you below the necessary procedures to perform your online accountability. Follow the instructions correctly:


1. Visit the CNPq page, at  "";

2. Click on "Plataforma Carlos Chagas";

3. Click on "Outros Bolsistas";

4. Now type the "CPF" and "Password", then "Confirm";

5. In the scholarship holder tab, click on "Relatório Técnico e Prestação de Contas";

6. Click "No prazo ou prazo vencido" then click on the number of the process you want to perform the accountability. Fill out the form and after filling out at the end of the page you will find three buttons: "Salvar", "Enviar Prestação de Contas" and "Sair" Click "Enviar Prestação de Contas";


If there is a problem during the execution of the procedures cited, we kindly request the kindness to capture the screen where the error is occurring (by typing "Print Screen" and pasting in "Word") and sending to the e-mail address (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). So that the responsible sector can know and provide the solution to the problem.

The report should be submitted in a simplified manner, including the defense minutes if it is the case in a single file. (1.5 mega)