The Postgraduate Program

"Train masters and doctors in Agricultural Engineering able to act with leadership, ethics and social and environmental responsibility at national and international level, able to interact with professionals from complementary backgrounds and to absorb new concepts for building solutions for society.”
"We are a program of national and international excellence in the training of Masters and Doctors and scientific production in Agricultural Engineering."
  • Act ethically and inclusively, with social and environmental responsibility and transparency in its actions;
  • Guarantee freedom of thought and expression;
  • Foster academic excellence by encouraging leadership and creativity;
  • Build a solid base in science for the training of masters and doctors;
  • Stimulate quality scientific production and dissemination;
  • Stimulate multidisciplinary cooperation and integration;
  • Encourage student and faculty members mobility and partnerships with educational and research institutions;
  • Stimulate continuous improvement in technical-administrative and management processes.
LINK to access the Strategic Planning of PPG FEAGRI
LINK to access the Pedagogical Planning of the PPG of FEAGRI
The activities of Postgraduate in Agricultural Engineering at UNICAMP, in Master level, were initiated in the Faculty of Food and Agricultural Engineering (FEAA) in 1978. Seven years later, on July 10, 1985, the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering (FEAGRI) was created and in 1990 it obtained the accreditation of its Master's Course. In 1993 began activities at the Doctorate level, consolidating the Postgraduate Program in Agricultural Engineering.

The Postgraduate Course in Agricultural Engineering at UNICAMP is based on the search for solutions to technological engineering problems related to agriculture, which point to the need for incorporation of more specialized professionals, and with deep technical and scientific training in related areas.

The Program consists of seven Areas of Concentration and in each Area of Concentration there are Research Projects grouped Research Lines.
If you have suggestions or had difficulties accessing our postgraduate program page, we ask that you register on this form: clique aqui.
Students may be admitted to the postgraduate program through the following categories:
1) Regular Student: students with higher education degree who are approved in the selection process according to the norms presented in the specific Announcement. These students develop their master's/doctorate projects under the supervision of a program advisor.
2) Special student: students with a university degree who register in one or more subjects in the program. The admission of special students depends on the availability of vacancies in Postgraduate courses and the acceptance by the teachers responsible for the subjects. If a special student is admitted as a regular student, they may request the validation of credits obtained as a special student.
  • Foreign students may enroll as Special or Regular Postgraduate Students. To do so, they must observe the specific instructions of the Central Academic Directorate (DAC) on how to enter UNICAMP.
CAPES evaluation form - Grade 5 - LINK