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The VII Workshop of Graduate Studies in Agricultural Engineering aimed to provide students and advisors with a platform for discussing and showcasing the research being conducted at our Faculty at the master's and doctoral levels.

The event allowed for the sharing of experiences and the discussion and incorporation of valuable suggestions into ongoing research, enhancing and enriching its development.


The seventh edition of this event took place on May 15th and 16th, 2023


Historical background

The Graduate Workshop of the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering at Unicamp had its first edition in 1996, under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Raquel Gonçalves.

The success of this event within the FEAGRI community led to its repetition, under different coordinations, in 1998 (Prof. Dr. Raquel Gonçalves), 2000 (Prof. Dr. Benedito Carlos Benedetti), 2003 (Prof. Dr. Raquel Gonçalves), 2005 (Prof. Dr. Raquel Gonçalves), and 2007 (Prof. Dr. José Euclides Stipp Paterniani). After a 16-year hiatus, the Graduate Workshop returns in 2023 for its seventh edition, under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Ariovaldo José da Silva.

The 1st Graduate Workshop was organized with the main objective of promoting internal interaction between students and faculty members of the Program, facilitating the exchange of ideas and suggestions to be incorporated into the ongoing master's and doctoral research plans. It was, therefore, an event with characteristics and purposes aimed at the internal audience of Graduate Studies at FEAGRI. However, starting from its second edition, it included, in addition to the existing objectives, the external dissemination of research proposals, inviting other units of Unicamp and also companies. The first three editions took place in a single day, with all research proposal presentations in the form of posters. In all editions, there was an internal committee composed of FEAGRI faculty members who assessed the works before and during the event.

Starting from the 4th Graduate Workshop (2003), there was a differentiation in the format, incorporating lectures and roundtable discussions on general and specific topics within the concentration areas, oral presentations in addition to posters, inclusion of undergraduate students to bridge the gap between undergraduate and graduate studies, inclusion of external evaluators (Scientific Committee), and an increased participation of companies. These aspects introduced a new dynamic to the event. The 2003 edition took place over five days, the following edition (5th Workshop in 2005) over 3 days, and finally, the 6th Workshop (2007) over 2 days.

In 2023, on May 15th and 16th, the 7th Workshop of the Graduate Program at FEAGRI will take place under the theme "Graduate Students in the Job Market: Science and Innovation." In this edition, the Graduate Program's Coordination, under the coordination of Prof. Dr. Ariovaldo José da Silva, resumes the event and involves the participation of graduate students in the presentation of research in 3-minute and 10-minute formats, and extends an invitation to special graduate students and undergraduate students from FEAGRI to attend as listeners.

Furthermore, the event aims to establish closer dialogue between academia and the job market through lectures, roundtable discussions, and exhibitions by partner companies. With the participation of graduate students in the presentation of research work, the hope is to encourage scientific production and enhance students' communication skills.

Announcement n. 01/2022 of the VII Graduate Workshop in Agricultural Engineering - LINK

Erratum II - LINK

Erratum I - LINK



Graduate Program Coordination of FEAGRI


Organizing and Evaluating Committee

Prof. Dr. Ariovaldo José da Silva

Prof. Dr. Bárbara Janet Teruel Mederos

Prof. Dr. Cinthya Bertoldo

Prof. Dr. Daniel Albiero

Prof. Dr. Franciane Colares Souza Usberti

Prof. Dr. Julio Soriano

Prof. Dr. Lucas Rios do Amaral

Prof. Dr. Mara Marinho de Andrade



Amanda Cristina Brenelli

Angelo Roberto Biasi

Cláudio Umezo

Fernando Daniel Finger

Frederico Lochaidy de Lima

Gabrielli dos Santos Caputi

José de Alencar Pereira Filho

Kiane Cristina Visconcin

Larissa Tiago Volpi

Leandro Morais

Luis Ribeiro Vilela Filho

Luiza Gabrieli Alves Cabral

Márcia Padovani

Rosa Helena Aguiar

Rosângela Gomes

Rosângela Parreira

Silvia Helena de Souza

Valéria Altmann

Vitor Gonçalves da Silva

Vitória da SilvaAntonieti


Partner companies in the organization of this event




Extension Rural and Agroecology Laboratory (LERA)


Ergonomics Laboratory of FEAGRI


Instrumentation and Control Laboratory of FEAGRI (LIC)


Agroindustrial Logistics and Commercialization of FEAGRI - LOGICOM


M. Lima Engineering


Recycle Project


Scientific Synergy




Tarvos S.A


Valora Wood


Carmela Winery