SILVA, YANE FREITAS; DOS REIS, ALINY APARECIDA; WERNER, JOÃO PAULO SAMPAIO; VALADARES, RAFAEL VASCONCELOS; CAMPBELL, ELEANOR E.; LAMPARELLI, RUBENS AUGUSTO CAMARGO; MAGALHÃES, PAULO SÉRGIO GRAZIANO & GLEYCE KELLY DANTAS ARAÚJO FIGUEIREDO (2021): Assessing the capability of MODIS to monitor mixed pastures with high-intensity grazing at a fine scale, Geocarto International, DOI: 10.1080/10106049.2021.1926559
OLIVEIRA, JULIANNE ; Campbell, Eleanor E. ; LAMPARELLI, RUBENS A.C. ; FIGUEIREDO, GLEYCE K.D.A. ; Soares, Johnny R. ; Jaiswal, Deepak ; MONTEIRO, LEONARDO A. ; VIANNA, MURILO S. ; Lynd, Lee R. ; SHEEHAN, JOHN J. . Choosing pasture maps: An assessment of pasture land classification definitions and a case study of Brazil. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, v. 93, p. 102205, 2020.
DOS REIS, ALINY A. ; WERNER, JOÃO P. S. ; SILVA, BRUNA C. ; FIGUEIREDO, GLEYCE K. D. A. ; ANTUNES, JOÃO F. G. ; ESQUERDO, JÚLIO C. D. M. ; COUTINHO, ALEXANDRE C. ; Lamparelli, Rubens A. C. ; Rocha, Jansle V. ; MAGALHÃES, PAULO S. G. . Monitoring Pasture Aboveground Biomass and Canopy Height in an Integrated Crop-Livestock System Using Textural Information from PlanetScope Imagery. Remote Sensing, v. 12, p. 2534, 2020.
DEGASPARI, I.A.M., SOARES, J.R., MONTEZANO, Z.F., DEL GROSSO, S.J., VITTI, A.C., ROSSETTO, R., CANTARELLA, H.Nitrogen sources and application rates affect emissions of N2O and NH3 in sugarcane.Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 2020.
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LOURENÇO, K.S.; ROSSETTO, R.; VITTI, A.C.; MONTEZANO, Z.F.; SOARES, J.R.; SOUSA, R.M.; CARMO, J.B.; KURAMAE, E.E.; CANTARELLA,H. Strategies to mitigate the Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Nitrogen Fertilizer applied with Organic Fertilizers in Sugarcane. Science of total environment, 2019.
LUCIANO, A. C. S. ; PICOLI, M. C. A. ; ROCHA, J. V.; DUFT, D. G. ; LAMPARELLI, R. A. C. ; LEAL, M. R. L. V. ; LE MAIRE, G.A generalized space-time OBIA classification scheme to map sugarcane areas at regional scale, using Landsat images time-series and the random forest algorithm.International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2019.
ROMERO, C.W.S; BERNI, M.D.; FIGUEIREDO, G. K. D. A.; FRANCO, T.T.; LAMPARELLI, R.A.C. Assessment of agricultural biomass residues to replace fossil fuel and hydroeletric power energy: a spatial approach. Energy Science & Engineering, 2019.
SANTOS, C. L. M. O.; LAMPARELLI, R.A.C.; FIGUEIREDO, G. K. D. A.; DUPUY, S.; BOURY, J. LUCIANO, A. C. S.; TORRES, R. S.; LE MAIRE, G. Classification of crops, pastures, and tree plantations along the season with multi-sensor image time series in a subtropical agricultural region.Remote Sensing, 2019.
VARGAS, V.P., SOARES, J.R., OLIVEIRA, B.G.; LOURENÇO, K.S., MARTINS, A.A., DEL GROSSO, S.J., CARMO, J.B., CANTARELLA, H. Sugarcane straw, soil temperature, and nitrification inhibitor impact N2O emissions from N fertilizer. BioEnergy Research, 2019.
CANTARELLA,H.; OTTO,R. SOARES, J. R.; SILVA,A.G.B. Agronomic efficiency of NBPT as a urease inhibitor: A Review. Journal of Advanced Research, 2018.
FÉRET, J.-B. ; LE MAIRE, G. ; JAY, S. ; BERVEILLER, D. ; BENDOULA, R. ; HMIMINA, G. ; CHERAIET, A. ; OLIVEIRA, J.C. ; PONZONI, F.J. ; SOLANKI, T. ; DE BOISSIEU, F. ; CHAVE, J. ; NOUVELLON, Y. ; PORCAR-CASTELL, A. ; PROISY, C. ; SOUDANI, K. ; GASTELLU-ETCHEGORRY, J.-P. ; LEFÈVRE-FONOLLOSA, M.-J. Estimating leaf mass per area and equivalent water thickness based on leaf optical properties: potential and limitations of physical modeling and machine learning. Remote sensing of environment, 2018.
GONZAGA, L.C.; CARVALHO, J.L.N.; OLIVEIRA, B.G.; SOARES, J.R.; CANTARELLA,H. Crop residue removal and nitrification inhibitor application as strategies to mitigate N2O emissions in sugarcane fields. Biomass and Bioenergy. 2018.
HAMPF, A. C. ; CARAUTA, M. ; LATYNSKIY, E.; LIBERA, A. ; Monteiro, L.; SENTELHAS, P. C. ; TROOST, C. ; BERGER, T. ; NENDEL, C. The biophysical and socio-economic dimension of yield gaps in the Southern Amazon – a bio-economic modelling approach. Agricultural systems,2018.
LUCIANO, A. C. S. ; PICOLI, MICHELLE C. A. ; ROCHA, J. V. ; FRANCO, H.C.J. ; SANCHES, G. M. ; LEAL, M. R. L. V. ; LE MAIRE, G. Generalized space-time classifiers for monitoring sugarcane areas in Brazil. Remote Sensing Of Environment, 2018.
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ARRAES, C.L.; LAMPARELLI, R.A.C. ; ROCHA, J. V. ; ESQUERDO, J. C. D. M. ; SALVADOR, P.; RODRIGUEZ, J. ; ROQUE, J.C. ; JUSTO, J.S. ; BENATTI, B.G. Reliability of Summer Crop Masks Derived from Second Order Polynomial Equations. Journal of Agricultural Science, v. 5, p. 63-75, 2013.
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